亚洲中文字幕第一页在线,国产又色又爽又爽黄的视频,免 费 黄 色 网 站 成 人,波多野结衣在线观看一区

Welcome to the official website of Guangzhou Riqing Technology Co., Ltd., dedicated to the research and distribution of environmentally friendly products such as metal cleaning agents, resin cleaning agents, and non flash cleaning agents
Introduction to Riqing
Guangzhou Riqing Technology Co., Ltd

Guangzhou Riqing Technology Co., Ltd. is the general agent of Japan Sanxie Chemical in China, with 66 years of industry experience and unique research and development to replace acetone cleaning agents. Committed to the research and development and distribution of environmentally friendly products such as metal cleaning agents, resin cleaning agents, and non flash cleaning agents. Over the years of learning and deep exploration, Nissin Technology products have won numerous honors and awards in Japan in areas such as heavy metal oil pollution, resin dissolution, and environmentally friendly industrial cleaning agents. Based on customer needs, we continuously improve our technical solutions to create reliable solutions that keep up with the times for our customers. Nissin Technology mainly focuses on environmentally friendly industrial cleaning agent products. It has been half a century since we developed environmentally friendly cleaning agents according to social needs. We are closely following the increasingly diversified development pace of the social economy to respond to the ever-changing needs, contribute our own strength to social development and green upgrading.

Since its inception, our company's mission has remained unchanged: to contribute to the manufacturing industry. At present, we have sold over 1000 types of products, and the scope of related industries is constantly expanding every year. In the future, we will continue to implement the purpose of our enterprise, unite throughout the company, challenge new goals, and continue to contribute to society.

Domestic distributors of organic industrial chemicals, solvents, industrial cleaning agents, diluents, and various intermediate raw materials such as paint, ink, and adhesives with considerable strength. With the development of the industry and society, the company has also maintained continuous development and in-depth research on related environmental protection products.

Leadership Address

Nissin Technology is committed to the research and development and distribution of environmentally friendly products such as metal cleaning agents, resin cleaning agents, and non flash cleaning agents. Over the years of learning and deep exploration, Nissin Technology products have won numerous honors and awards in Japan in areas such as heavy metal oil pollution, resin dissolution, and environmentally friendly industrial cleaning agents. Based on customer needs, we continuously improve our technical solutions to create reliable solutions that keep up with the times for our customers.

Nissin Technology mainly focuses on environmentally friendly industrial cleaning agent products. It has been half a century since we developed environmentally friendly cleaning agents according to social needs. We are closely following the increasingly diversified development pace of the social economy to respond to the ever-changing needs, contribute our own strength to social development and green upgrading.

Since its inception, our company's mission has remained unchanged: to contribute to the manufacturing industry. At present, we have sold over 1000 types of products, and the scope of related industries is constantly expanding every year. In the future, we will continue to implement the purpose of our enterprise, unite throughout the company, challenge new goals, and continue to contribute to society.

Development History of Technical Headquarters
Set up branches in Chinese Mainland
Establishment of Tokyo Office, Yokohama Office, Osaka Office, Hoku Office, and Kyushu Office
Start producing and selling environmentally friendly products
Renamed Sanxie Chemical Co., Ltd
Quality Policy
Everything for your needs
The premise of Nissin's business is to coordinate human
social activities and protect the Earth's environment, and to
adopt the business philosophy of "creating a people-oriented
living environment through technological research and
development and production activities, and contributing to the
happiness of human life". In terms of product quality and  
safety, we have formulated the following basic policies:
Developing products from the perspective of customers;
Strictly control technology and quality management when
providing products;
Proactively explain the correct usage of the product to users;
Neglecting the impact on the environment and safety after the end of product use and disposal.
We are committed to providing high-quality and safe products that can satisfy customers, be trustworthy, and provide
customized solutions for any difficult and complex problems
encountered during cleaning. Together, we contribute to the
happiness of human life and social development.
Environmental Policy
Smart, diligent, down-to-earth, and hardworking
Nissin Technology is a cleaning solution service provider primarily engaged in the sales of organic industrial reagents, closely related to environmental issues. All employees of the company should recognize the impact we have on the environment and contribute to the cause of environmental protection on the planet.
We need to have a clear understanding of the impact of our business on the environment, continuously improve our environmental management system, and make every effort to prevent environmental pollution.
We strictly comply with environmental regulations and other requirements and regulations agreed upon by our company.
We will be committed to developing, promoting, and selling products that can reduce the environmental burden, making contributions to reducing environmental pollution.
We actively promote open source energy conservation and green procurement, and actively improve energy utilization rates, reduce waste emissions, and implement waste recycling and reuse.
We will implement the education on environmental policies for all employees to the end, in order to enhance their environmental awareness.