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Welcome to the official website of Guangzhou Riqing Technology Co., Ltd., dedicated to the research and distribution of environmentally friendly products such as metal cleaning agents, resin cleaning agents, and non flash cleaning agents

Industrial cleaners: environmentally friendly choices for sustainable development

Number of views:5Release time:2024-09-14

Industrial cleaners play an important role in the production process, but the long-term use of traditional chemical cleaners may have a negative impact on the environment. To promote sustainable development and environmental protection, more and more companies and factories are turning to environmentally friendly industrial cleaners.

Conventional industrial cleaning agents usually contain chemicals such as organic solvents and strong acids and bases. When released into the environment, these chemicals can cause serious pollution to soil, water and ecosystems. However, eco-friendly industrial cleaners utilize more environmentally friendly formulations that can reduce the adverse impact on the environment during the industrial cleaning process.

Firstly, environmentally friendly industrial cleaners use biodegradable technology that can break down into harmless substances during the cleaning process, reducing the build-up of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This means that industrial companies that use environmentally friendly cleaners are able to minimize their impact on the environment, allowing living systems to recover more quickly.

Secondly, environmentally friendly industrial cleaners use low volatile organic solvents and neutral acids and bases, which reduces the generation of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and acid-base waste. This not only helps to improve air quality and reduce indoor and outdoor pollution, but also facilitates the smooth running of the wastewater treatment process and reduces the pollution of water sources.

Finally, the choice of environmentally friendly industrial cleaners can enhance the image of sustainable development of enterprises. In the present day, environmental protection has become a hot topic of social concern, and consumers' favor for environmentally friendly enterprises is also increasing. By using environmentally friendly cleaning agents, companies can not only reduce the environmental impact, but also enhance the brand image and increase consumer recognition.

   Nisshinotech specializes in environmentally friendly industrial cleaners., deep plowing exploration to learn the metal heavy oil pollution, resin dissolution, environmental protection type industrial cleaning agent and so on. Facing the ever-changing environmental protection needs of the society, Nisshin Science and Technology is clear that environmentally friendly industrial cleaners are an important choice to promote sustainable development, they can reduce pollution to the environment, reduce VOCs and acid and alkali waste.they can reduce the pollution of the environment, reduce VOCs and acid and alkali waste liquid emissions, while enhancing the image of sustainable development of enterprises. For Nisshin Science and Technology, choosing to use environmentally friendly industrial cleaners is not only a sign of environmental responsibility, but also a positive investment in our own development. Our company's mission remains unchanged: to contribute to the manufacturing industry, so let's act together to promote environmental protection and sustainable development in the future!

Nisshin Science and Technology-Japan Sankyo Chemical Authorized Distributor