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Welcome to the official website of Guangzhou Riqing Technology Co., Ltd., dedicated to the research and distribution of environmentally friendly products such as metal cleaning agents, resin cleaning agents, and non flash cleaning agents

On the hazards of acetone in industrial cleaning

Number of views:6Release time:2024-09-14

The pain points and hazards of using acetone for cleaning operations in the industrial sector are mainly in the following areas:

1)TOXICITY: Acetone is a toxic chemical and prolonged exposure may cause harm to the human body, such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

2)易FLAMMABLE AND EXPLOSIVE: Acetone is flammable and explosive, which not only poses a high operational risk, but can also cause fires, posing a threat to workers and the environment.

3)Unstable cleaning effect: Compared with other cleaning agents, the cleaning effect of acetone is not stable enough and may require repeated operations to achieve the expected results.

4)Residue problem: Acetone is not easy to clean, easy to lead to residue, and may cause corrosion of the equipment in the long run.

5)需Requires monthly filing and registration with the Public Security Bureau: Since acetone is a regulated hazardous chemical, it requires filing and registration with the local Public Security Bureau at the time of purchase, which also adds to the hassle of using the plant.

6)Environmental pressure: Acetone puts a certain amount of pressure on the environment during its use and disposal.

To summarize, the industrial field in the use of acetone cleaning operations are faced with a variety of challenges and pitfalls, to seek a safer, more efficient, environmentally friendly alternative is a top priority. In response to the above issues, Guangzhou Riqing Technology Co., Ltd. has launched several alternative to acetone environmentally friendly cleaning agent TH-C (general-purpose); 876 # (metal surface cleaning) of the new environmentally friendly cleaning agent.

Guangzhou Nissin Technology Co., Ltd. belongs to the Japan Sankyo Chemical China general agent (http://www.dugigc.cn/), with 66 years of industry experience, unique research and development, instead of acetone cleaner, the main focus on environmentally friendly industrial cleaner products. Keeping pace with the increasingly diversified socio-economic development, in order to cope with the ever-changing needs for social development, greening and upgrading to contribute their share of power.

Nisshin Science and Technology-Japan Sankyo Chemical Authorized Distributor